Thursday, January 17, 2008

I've Been Censored

Well, not really.

Censorship requires government coercion limiting one's right to Free Speech. This was just a "diss" from a friend of mine on facebook.

This friend posted a link about a certain topic which has dominated many a blog in recent weeks, including this one, and I commented on it. I criticized the post for being, at times, absurd and pointed out that it comes from an organization that is prone to ad hominem attacks -- not few of which are directed at people I know, have worked for, or currently am affliliated with. (Oddly enough, she has much the same relationship with the attacked that I do, but I digress.)

Why is it that some topics are off limits to criticism?

I openly accept any and all comments on this blog, on facebook, or anywhere else where I attach my name -- save anything hateful. (e.g., overtly racist. That is the only reason I have a filter on my comments here.)

Stifling debate is an affront to the marketplace of ideas. As a private actor, she had a right to do it. I just don't understand why.

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